Attentional assessments hold the power to transform the future of education 
That was the key takeaway from our recent webinar where we discussed how leveraging attentional information can drive academic success.

Our advisory board members Sam Goldstein, and Mickey Revenaugh, thought leaders in the fields of education and attention our CEO Yaki Dayan all came together for this webinar exploring the science of attention in learning design.

«What does a test like MOXO provide?» said Sam Goldstein PhD. «It provides a sound, reasoned, and reasonable statistical analysis that tells you, not just in a qualitative way, but in a quantitative way, where this child is in these 4 critical components – attention, timing, impulsivity and hyper-reactivity. I think before we ever begin teaching, we need to know those so that we don’t create unrealistic expectations for children».

«I’m proposing a move towards Attention informed education», says Mickey Revenaugh, «informed by other factors beyond just the reading, writing, arithmetic. How do we create learning environments where attention is something that we’re paying close attention to?»

The Science of Human Attention״ – Dr. Yaki Dayan’s session describing how Neurotek leveraged data from over 900K MOXO tests conducted worldwide to create the first attention assessment for learners.

To view the entire session playlist on our Youtube channel click here, and don’t forget to subscribe!