Unlocking clarity and insight
Designed with professionals and clients in mind, our In-depth reports foster clear communication, enabling professionals across disciplines to effortlessly interpret and articulate attentional profiles, underscoring both strengths and challenges.
View your client’s performs throughout the assessment and with all
distractor types, and interactively compare the different metrics
For assessment takers 26 and younger, you can compare the individual’s performance to a general population reference group.
The focus metric is an aggregate measure of basic attention abilities. This parameter provides a general representation of the individual’s attention ability, and comprises the average of selective attention, processing speed, self-regulation and response-regulation.
Auditory focus metric is an aggregate measure of basic attention abilities while auditory distractors are present. This parameter provides a general representation of the individual’s attention ability in the presence of auditory distraction, and comprises the average of selective attention, processing speed, self-regulation and response-regulation while auditory distractors are present.
Visual focus metric is an aggregate measure of basic attention abilities while visual
distractors are presented. This parameter provides a general representation of the individual’s attention ability in the presence of visual distraction, and comprises the average of selective attention, processing speed, self-regulation and response-regulation while visual distractors are present.
Selective Attention
Selective-attention measures the individual’s ability to respond correctly and remain focused throughout the entire MOXO assessment. This parameter reflects how often the individual correctly presses the response key when the target stimulus is presented.
Processing Speed
Processing speed measures the individual’s ability to respond quickly and accurately throughout the entire MOXO assessment. This parameter reflects how much time it takes the individual to press the response key when the target stimulus is presented.
Self-regulation measures the individual’s ability to evaluate the situation without responding hastily. This parameter reflects how often the individual is able to refrain from pressing the response key when no target stimulus is presented.
Response-regulation measures the child’s ability to control how they respond. This parameter reflects how often the individual presses a response key when a response was not required. This includes more than one press after a target is presented, or key presses other than the response key.
Task Persistence
Task persistence measures the individual’s ability to remain focused over an extended period of time. This parameter reflects the difference in an individual’s attentional performance at the end as compared with the beginning of the assessment.
Processing Speed Stability
Processing speed stability measures the ability to respond consistently over time. This parameter reflects the standard deviation of the individual’s processing speed throughout the assessment.
Auditory Impact
Selective Attention, Processing Speed, Self-Regulation, and Response Regulation are all also measured in the presence of auditory distraction. This allows a measure of the impact auditory distractions have on how one processes information and regulates one’s social and emotional responses.
Selective Attention, Processing Speed, Self-Regulation, and Response Regulation are all also measured in the presence of visual distraction. This allows a measure of the impact visual distractions have on how one processes information and regulates one’s social and emotional responses.
The validity indicator assesses whether the individual’s responses were consistent and reliable.
An invalid assessment indicates a likelihood of random pressing, regardless of the rules of the assessment.
The dissimilarity indicator showcases the uniqueness of an individual’s profile, highlighting how an individual profile stands out from the norm by intelligently considering the intricate web of relationships between attentional metrics.
A dissimilar assessment suggests that the individual’s performance is very unique or unusual, possibly requiring special attention or investigation.
The credibility indicator offers a measure of genuine effort to perform well. Individuals with a non-credible results show excessively poor performance, indicating a deliberate effort to fake attentional difficulties. We recommend to re-run non-credible assessments.