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MOXO in Practice
Diagnosing ADHD In Adults With MOXO – Utley Allied Health
My name is Andy Utley, and I run my own business, Utley Allied Health, alongside my lovely and talented wife. Together, we provide comprehensive assessment and support to children and families at all stages of life.
What is Neurodiversity? Am I Neurotypical?
If you spend enough time on TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms following content related to mental health, you’ve most likely heard the term Neurodiversity thrown around, but what does it mean? Is it a phase people go through? Is it a medical condition? And are you Neurodiverse or Neurotypical? Well, let’s dive in!
MOXO in Practice
How BrainX Promotes Attention-Informed Education with MOXO
BrainX, founded by Mrs. Eileen Cheung and based in Hong Kong, provides neurocognitive training programs tailored to neurotypical and neuroatypical children focused on enhancing attentiveness and executive functions through scientifically proven interventions. The organization’s approach integrates insights from attention assessment tools like MOXO to tailor courses for realizing individual potential.
Is ADHD a Super Power? Exploring Research and Famous People With ADHD
The ADHD brain is often likened to a high-powered race car but with the brakes of a bicycle. Join us as we explore the positives of ADD and highlight some of the most famous people and celebrities with ADHD in recent history who learned to “master the brakes” and crossed the finish line to success.
What is My ADHD Type? Hyperactive, Inattentive, or Combined?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects approximately 5% to 7.2% of children and 2.5% to 6.7% of adults worldwide. In the United States, recent data suggests an even higher prevalence among children, with an estimated 8.7% or about 5.3 million affected.
Attention in Education
The Focus Crisis: Addressing Attention Challenges in Education
When Students Struggle With Attention, Teaching & Learning Suffer Too
ADHD Research
Predicting ADHD Using MOXO & Machine Learning
Whether computerized tests, and specifically CPTs should be used in the diagnosis process of ADHD is debated, with many questioning its specificity, sensitivity and ecological validity. To address this debate, Slobodin and colleagues applied a machine learning model using MOXO to predict ADHD, comparing it to benchmark models that made use of clinical data only.
MOXO in Practice
How MOXO Supports Masneuros in Diagnosis, Therapy, and Education
Romina Braier Huino’s journey is a testament to dedication and innovation in the field of special education.
ADHD Research
Neuroimaging Insights: ADHD vs. Non-ADHD Brain Activations
A new study conducted in Mexico employs live brain imaging of school children with and without ADHD while performing the MOXO.
ADHD Research
Social Emotional Learning and Academic Performance
This article explores how MOXO Profiler empowers educators to better support individual learning needs by measuring and addressing each learner’s social emotional learning abilities.
ADHD Research
Focusing for Success: The Impact of Selective Attention on Academic Achievement
This article explores how MOXO Profiler can elevate learners' academic success by providing actionable information on their selective attention.
ADHD Research
Unlocking Academic Excellence: The Power of Self-Regulation
This article explores how MOXO Profiler can help each and every learner enhance academic performance by highlighting critical data on his/her self regulation.
ADHD Research
How Educators Worldwide Optimize Teaching Methods Using MOXO
Attention is profoundly critical to academic success, as it serves as the gateway to learning and cognitive processing. The ability to focus on relevant information
Product Updates
Why Choose Premium?
A premium account is ideal for those who need to transition between identifying attentional difficulties and viewing strengths and executive functions.
Guides & Tutorials
What’s New in MOXO – 2024
The MOXO application has undergone extensive improvements and enhancements and is more convenient and intuitive to use than ever before!
Guides & Tutorials
The Role Of Attention in Education – DLAC 2024
Our team of experts had a great time hosting an inspiring panel at DLAC on: “Where Attentional Theory Meets the Science of Learning”
Product Updates
Discover The New MOXO Account Types
The assessment you know and love is now easier to administer and review, and can be evaluated in exciting new ways - MOXO Profiler & MOXO Premium.
Neurotek Updates
MOXO Webinar – The Science of Attention in Learning Design
Attentional assessments hold the power to transform the future of education That was the key takeaway from our recent webinar where we discussed how
Neurotek Updates
Mickey Revenaugh Joins Neurotek’s Advisory Board
As the co-founder of Connections Academy, a ground-breaking online school provider that serves more than 110,000 K-12 students around the world
Neurotek Updates
Attending the 32nd National Child and Adolescent Mental Health Congress
It was our pleasure to attend the annual “National Child and Adolescent Mental Health Congress” in Istanbul during May 2023 and visit our wonderful team there!
Guides & Tutorials
MOXO’s Exclusive Indicators
The MOXO cockpit displays unique indicators for your review and evaluation. The following three indicators allow you to assess the validity, credibility and uniqueness
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